#12 Get out of depression

#12 Get out of depression

Is optimism the opposite of pessimism?? Is happiness the opposite of depression??


We want to create a realistic optimism, or a strategy that allows us to be optimistic despite everything that happens in life. If you can do that and keep your hope and hold on to your dreams and expectations no matter what happens to you, can you see that you don't need to get so depressed or have a depression??

Winston Churchill's psychologist Martin Sigelman defined "learned helplessness" as one of the components of being depressed. He defined the 3 P's that create the opposite of optimism — pessimism and helplessness.

Those suffering from depression are also pessimistic and feel helpless, according to Sigelman, because they experience the situation or what happened as personal. "It's about me". We also experience or have an experience that it is permanent. "It will always be that way". We also believe that it applies to everything (pervasive).

If a person creates a frame of reference and feels that this is the reality, they create pessimistic feelings of helplessness that create clinical depression.

So what do you need to do to get out of depression?

Do the opposite!! Create an optimism created by the following:

1. Create a framework of what is you and what is not you

When you go through life, you have to be aware that you are much more than what happens in your life and what affects you.

2. Indexing of time

What happens to you, happens here and now and is transient. Be aware that what is happening right now is something that passes. What's happening to you right now hasn't always been like that, has it? No, and that also means it doesn't always have to be that way.

"It happens to me, but it's not about me"

3. Indexing of location

What happens to you has consequences for a specific area of ​​your life, your job, your health, your free time, your finances or the like. However, the consequences are limited to one or more areas of your life, but do not apply to your entire life.

It's about something special in your life.

These are the first steps in a strategy to get out of depression and instead be able to create optimism.

Think through what you want to take in, what you want to make personal and what you want in your life and what you want to leave out. You don't have to make things personal and a total experience. Make an ecology check; think through whether it is useful and fits into your life or not.

You have everything you need in your life. You have all the resources you need.

When things happen in the world that could take energy and power away from you, be aware that you have the power to choose how you want to feel about it, how you want to perceive it and think about it. You can choose HOW it affects you!

By staying focused on what you want, it means that you are solution-oriented and look for alternatives and solutions.

You may know the story of Viktor Frankl who survived the captivity and the terrible conditions in the Nazi concentration camp in Theresienstadt. He survived the time in the concentration camp by contributing to the physical and mental health of the other prisoners. He believed in, and could see a future, after his time in the concentration camp. He had hope for a future.

He decided what to absorb and what not. He chose what applied to him and what did not.

1. He decided that it did not concern him personally

2. He decided that it was transitory and that there was a future

3. He decided that it only applied there, in the concentration camp, but that there was a place where this did not apply.

What do you want to decide? How do you want your life??


Always do your best and every day will be magical

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