How to set effective GOALS [self-guided exercise]

How to set GOALS [self-guided exercise]

Setting intentional and meaningful objectives is a necessary step in the route to living in alignment with your life purpose. Goals serve as the stepping stones between your vision and your daily actions. This self-guided exercise is intended to help you express, develop, and set goals that will move you toward the realization of your life vision and your purpose.

Goal-setting can be just as simple or advanced as you desire. The process that is presented below is a comprehensive method that will give you all the components to create the most effective goals that you can imagine.  It will give you all the information you need to create a Massive Action Plan that will make you the most efficient person in achieving your goals.

How to create your life VISION [Self-guided exercise]

How to create your life VISION [Self-guided exercise]

Your life vision is a powerful expression of your life purpose. It is a vivid and realistic depiction of the life you want to live—a future that captures the spirit of who you are and what you stand for, once you live in harmony with your defined life purpose.

Your vision is guiding light, acting as inspiration and motivation for where you want your life to go.  It gives you an alignment with your defined purpose in life.  That is what makes it so powerful.  And below you will find an exercise to assist you to create your vision.